Follow a busy gals life, ideas, lessons, music.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


so it's been a while and (not) a lot has been going on here in my little life.

it's november! (ps. 25 days till my birthday. . . you better get shopping)
but school is slow. choir is so funny. work is slow. my roommates are fantastic. my car died. . .but is alive again.

it was really hard not being able to get my DIET CHERRY LIMEADES for a WHOLE week. but i managed. and am perfectly addicted to them once again. have you tried them?!?!?! you should if you haven't. best invention ever.

but sadly, i don't have much to talk about on here.
although. . .

ok. he asked us not to be prideful in the win. . . BUT I HELPED MAKE HISTORY!!!

ok enough gloating.

BUT what's with the new additions to FACEBOOK???
i feel that i'm friends with my peers, old classmates or old friends from dance. i got my election updates, keep up with my boss, and keep my events scheduled neatly, and even get to maintain a mob.

on top of that: i'm friends with parents, grandparents, siblings, kids i babysat, their parents, the bishopric and someone's dog. ok maybe not the dog part but i am a fan of Mushu, from Mulan. close enough.

it's a fantastic craze but i feel like i have to be very mature in all my status updates and commenting. lol. so really, what i'm trying to say is, if i'm not, feel free do "de-friend" me and just keep up with my blog. i am on here much less and say a lot less that can be found offensive.

but on facebook i will keep up with my ute cheerin, byu smearin, obama followin, and my annoying commentin. (that kinda rhymed)

but don't worry MOM, on here, i'll keep nice just for you :)

ps. my wish list is coming!
pps. i really want this perfume. . .and these boots. . . and this coat. oh i'll post later.