Follow a busy gals life, ideas, lessons, music.

Friday, May 23, 2008

keep a goin'

so as we all know, david archuletta lost and i'm sad. but not at all, right? i mean. now he can negotiate his own contract. go him

ANYWAYS. lol. i did get a roommate. she's so stinkin cute! she's from Georgia and has the most fun accent ever! her name is steph and i really am glad to have someone in the apartment to keep me semi social during this stressful spring term.

spring term is over half way done and i'm so excited. i only have a few more tests and assignments and am excited to just about be a junior in college. yeah. a junior at 18. go me! lol.

so i just thought i'd give those minor updates. and my mom's phone broke so she can't talk to me as much so i decided she can catch up on here now. hahah. right. . . cause she's obviously on here a lot (NOT!)

well, till next time!
gotsta go do homework :S

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


ok so i've been working a lot lately. . . not really for my store cause apparently i'm not needed, but for park city. So i haven't really been shoe shopping with all the new stuff. But i was helping park city do their shipment and i saw these ------------->
I fell in love. lol. no really. i tried them on and pulled up my pant legs and CUTE!!!
so. . . MOM!!! *cough cough*
what do you think?
i think i will go into work thursday and see when they are marked down cause $80 isn't in my price range as of yet. . . but with my discount it's so tempting. . .

Saturday, May 10, 2008

a Severe case of the GiGgLeS!

well, my mom said she'd post this story. . . but she hasn't gotten around to it yet. but i laughed so hard i thought it may be funny to share.

so the other night i was working at factory brand shoes, at the outlets (super fun, but really hard not just to shop) and i had to close and open shipment and by the time i arrived at my house in sandy, i was SO TIRED! It was about 11 and i decided, with shoes on and all, to crawl into my parents bed, just to throw them for a loop. my dad was awake, and my mom, who's side i got on, was now joyfully awake as well. we started talking and i don't know what was even funny but i just started laughing. then i was laughing cause my mom's butt was hitting me. and that they needed to scooch over so i could fit. and that i needed my own pillow. and that when i started laughing, the bed shook which make me laugh even harder.
i just was lonely!!! and they understood. hence the reason i stayed and chatted and dozed in and out of consciousness on their bed for just a bit less than an hour. just. . .18 year old crawling into bed with mom and dad. oh and they wouldn't even let me in the middle. HOW RUDE :)

Monday, May 5, 2008

this is the provo city police. . .

i had a minor heart attack today.

it was scary.

so i walked out of my 2.5 hour class (which doesn't have cell phone service- so it feels like a 5 hour class with no entertainment) to find i had 3 texts and 1 new voice message. i put those off to call my mom to see how sleeping in 'till 12 was. :D

so i read my texts and replied and got dinner all arranged then decided to sit on a bench in the GORGEOUS weather and listen to my voicemail.

"this is the provo police department and you have been accused of damaging a car" (ok that wasn't a direct quote but i was too nervous to remember it) DAMAGING A CAR?!?! oops. i don't remember doing this. but. . . i calm down and start the phone tag with the investigating officer. i finally get a hold of him sometime during Bones and get the low down.
1-reported today.
3-only one he is contacting.
4-keyed car.

SO. . . the paraphrased low down. i was accused of keying an ex-roommates car. sweeeeeetttt. cause i didn't do it and there is video surveillance of me not doing it :D

but seriously?

are those the terms we really left on?
