Follow a busy gals life, ideas, lessons, music.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

here's to spring

well, after eating tubs of sorbet and lots of soup, i'm about 100% again. which is good. spring term started yesterday and i'm taking a few classes. I only have 8.5 credits which should be ok this term. it's a lot but i'm taking private organ, voice, and piano lessons. go me!

I was able to go to the management of the apartment complex i live in and request to move. I did. and was given. . . DUN DUH DUH. . . AN EMPTY APARTMENT NO ONE HAS EVER LIVED IN BEFORE!!! how cool is that? So my cute mom came down to help me move. BUT. the best part is. my apartment has clear view of the dumpsters, which conveniently had shopping carts parked next to them (by some lazy college kid with no car who refuses to only buy as many groceries as he can carry). so my mom prances over to these carts, picks one up and makes her way to my old apartment to load it up. so after only 3-4 cart loads, looking like some well-dressed homeless people, sneaking past the front office with Sam and a drawer set from the old apartment, i am almost settled.
yet sadly, i am not away from the drama of my old roommate. she's crazy. she keeps texting me stuff like, "let me know if you have questions about what your kitchen stuff is cause ours is similar." Or the best one was last night when i received, with both of my parents standing there, and i quote, "hey when youre out give us the key." i replied, "no i give that to the office." her response, "k, will they call and tell us that you turned it in(?)" i replied, "Why? are there trust issues or what?" Her final response, "YEAH" How horrible is that? those snide comments have been flying for the past 8 months and i've had no way to escape. UGH!!!
and i still have never shared the story that spawned the move. i think i will start drafting. lol. BUT i'm out, and almost safe, just a check out later this week. HUZZAH!

Friday, April 25, 2008

words of wisdom

so. as of thursday morning i was fortunate enough to get my wisdom teeth out.
ok. so it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. like not at all. i guess they just keep getting better at it as time goes on. But, i am wishing i was a little more prepared here at home. i am SO BORED! i have been sitting in my bed, with this think on my face that makes me look like a frozen chipmunk to keep the swelling down, popping advil, and watching grey's anatomy on isn't it the life? it was the first day.
today. i tried to be adventurous and i made it to costco and harmons with my mom. not the best idea. all the samples were so tempting and i couldn't even buy rice! lol. oh the rationing. it's ok. i couldn't eat rice anyways. i am living off of jello pudding. mmmmm. so i really have nothing to say on here except, if you make good soup and live nearby, I AM SO HUNGRY! mom. got that. i'm hungry. thanks for the concern. lol.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


It is finals week and i'm slightly going mad. well. . . maybe a little more than slightly. I procrastinated too much i guess. but more like, i again just took too many classes.

but. . . the roommate situation has gotten much more interesting.

One is moving out- home- tonight.
and i believe i can get a new rooming assignment saturday!
how exciting is that?
now everyone just pray that i get roommates who clean up after themselves and that have common decency.

my mom keeps saying that if the problem doesn't go away, then i'm the problem. but there is a good story to come about me being the spectator to the drama this time! SO IT'S NOT ME MAMMA!!! haha. well at least not all of it. :D

Monday, April 14, 2008


so. take a look at that picture.
as many of you know, a person whom i have been living with has been taking some of my stuff. and, about a month ago, we had a nice talk about this and she promised it wouldn't happen again.
it was posted on facebook by another person in that pic. . .and that jacket? in the back on the left. that cute orange one. well, IT'S MINE!!!! and i gave no permission for anyone to go into my private room and raid my closet. i'm a bit bugged. UGH!!!

any suggestions? i hate keeping my room locked cause it takes too long to unlock. . .but if that is my only resort here, i guess i will have to.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

where are my organ shoes?

so i just ran home for a lean cuisine lunch (the panini's are the BEST) and realized i had an extra hour to catch up on my social life. so i get on here? hmmmm.

well. this semester is almost over and i'm so excited to get a new schedule. i mean, really. 17 credits? that's just too many! i mean. look at today.

7:20; wake up (note: this is after going to bed at around 2)
finish paper for BOM
9:33; leave to catch the 830 bus that will take me to campus
10; book of mormon lecture (zzzz. . . )
11; chemistry- go to lecture but work on organ homework on the back row
12; university chorale- i fell asleep today. oops. we have a concert next week too. realized i forgot my organ shoes and i need them!
1; should be in american heritage. . . that's where that extra hour came from. came home for lunch and the shoes
2- A BREAK!!!
3; women's choir recording session- prepping for a CD release
4; ASL
5; Organ (where the shoes come in) where i will be staying until 6:40 to pass off any last minute pieces and hand in written assignments. ugh. then catch the bus for home, change into a dress and. . .
7:15; leave for provo tab to watch an organ recital where i am supposed to pick up important skills for my playing and write a 5 page paper on the pieces chosen :( boooo!
9; get home. get working. I have american heritage to do. ASL. chemistry. organ, organ, organ. and music 200. wow. yay me.

luckily this schedule is only normal on Mondays and Wednesdays. PHEW! i may explode if this was an everyday occurrence.