Follow a busy gals life, ideas, lessons, music.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

LA day .5

so. i'm in LA. with mirm. It is awesome.
let me take you through what we do.

So. we get to the airport (thanks for the ride mom) and THEN find out our plane was delayed a little over an hour. So, it just seemed natural to go grab cpk. Oh our CHEESE-piled pizzas were delicious. . . huh mirm*cough cough*

Well, after finding a way to spill pepperoni into a shoe, we decided to get back to terminal B to catch our flight to LAX.

Once safe in LAX (is that an oxymoron?), we called the hotel from my oh-so-reliable iPhone to catch a shuttle to our hotel, Four Points. So, if we didn't already grab a steal by booking our room for $68 a night, we definitely felt the repercussions of that by being put next to the ONE room in the WHOLE hotel that was under renovation by drills, sanding, throwing, bulldozers, cranes. . . well it was just loud, ok? so we had to get out. so, with our crazy adventure skills, Mirm and I went to catch the trolley. oh yeah. a trolley.

We went to manhattan beach. and got yummy dinner from wahoo fish tacos. delish. we wandered down to the pier and just took in the ocean, the waves, the sunset, the hot surfer dude, the homeless pigeon man, the hoodlums causing mayhem, you know. the usual. but it was a nice time of reflection. and it was about this point on my first day away, that i got homesick.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Finally. FINALS!

neeeeed. . . a. . . study. . .break. . . hmmm. red mango.


so. Mid-final update:
Finals Down: Guitar (cake), biodiversity (eeeek), Genomics. . . (100% you better believe it)
Finals to go: Cell Biology, Genetics

So with three days left, i'm strategizing about how i should take the last two. and apparently, i'm not taking one today because i want to blog instead. oh, and i'm too distracted planning my trip to LA, then to DC to meet up with my dad and brother and spend some time at my roomie's home home. yess. good end to this junior year of college.

SO there's LA/DC trip.
come home for a few weeks, get a piano recital goin, say bye to my students, get acc 200 out of the way online, pack, then leave May 15th for GHANA! oh how excited i am. Think i can get it all done in that time frame? ha. we will see.

But i honestly can't wait to disappear from the social networking scene. . . no maybe just the whole "social" scene in general. I can't believe how much i have let it influence me this year. There is drama everywhere, coming at me from every direction. With my iPhone giving me constant FB updates, to the whole texts ALL HOURS OF THE DAY, to boys showing up on my porch, Red mango outings that always seem to end dramatically, to trying to motivate people, while keeping myself motivated. YIKES! I thank the Lord for those listening ears in my life that listen to my college-aged stories and offer words of advice. I'm pretty sure i spew a few little details everywhere i go anyways. Yet, I'd be a complete mess if i wasn't able to talk about it all.

But once void of my internet connection, i'm so excited to teach the children in Ghana, in the JSS. Yes all. I'm going to teach in deaf schools. yes i sign (Mel said i could at least). no it's not through byu. yes, i feel like i'll be safe. and yes, i'm nervous. I've never been out of the country and here i go just diving head-first into no running water, and big big bugs. should be a great experience though. more to come.

Note to self: make your blog private! haha. after what's his face reads this. mkay. the end.