Follow a busy gals life, ideas, lessons, music.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

dream interpreter


no seriously. the ones i remember creep me out!

so first there was the dream i had for about 2 weeks straight. about the same yet small variations about a boy. yeah. a boy. but that boy is on a mission and i interpreted the dreams that maybe, because he had been out for over a year, he deserved to hear from me. so i wrote him, and now we talk at least once a week. it's fun.

but last night's dream! eek. it was odd. like my mom piled us all in the car and went driving like a mad-woman to park city at like the outlets but we went behind to the little parking lots and ran into some old babysitter of mine who was like, i knew you'd be here. i need your help. . .

yeah. how do i interpret THAT one.

but they keep going!

i dunno. it just kinda creeps me out when i remember dreams. . . cause i swear they all happen down the line sometime.

she was cool babysitter though. one of my favorites.

sorry, random post. but i want to remember this dream so i put it on here. no one reads these anyways.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

withdraw deadline

so, being back at byu, i'm back in my stressful state of life. it is the class withdraw deadline on monday so (shh. . . ) i dropped a class. and of all of them, math. haha. which i should be majoring in. LOL. but we will see about that next semester.

so update about my life. my roommates this year are awesome. i got the funniest calling i've ever heard of. and now i only have 15 credits, a job, and am finishing my real estate license between classes and studying. it's fun. nothing really going on.

except i'm going to vegas this weekend. random. to see a cirque do soleil show? maybe. i dunno how to spell it. but the "let it be" one. should be cool . . . i will let you know how it is.