Follow a busy gals life, ideas, lessons, music.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

quiet time. . .

well. I'M HOME!

and finally adjusted. i still get made fun of for being quiet. but whatever.

These few weeks home have been amazing. I keep finding that i have no motivation to work towards starting my last year of school at byu. My schedule is planned but i have an online class that has to be done before that works out. but heading into this year will be different. my experience at byu has been one. . . well i'll definitely look back on often, not sure how sweet the memories will be. The classes and the education are amazing. but the culture. eeek. While in ghana, some great girls helped me see a new perspective on the whole "dating" scene and what culture outside of the single's ward practice. interesting. i found myself totally in agreement. . . dating differently, waiting to get married till you're older and more mature, finding more of yourself so you can glorify God more, and then to your found self, glorifying God together. Well to most of that i still agree. but the dating differently and marriage. . . i may just have to follow suit with this accepted Utah culture. i didn't think i ever would. . . that is till i saw him at the bottom of the escalator in salt lake city. oh yeah. THAT'S who i cried myself to sleep over missing so much in Ghana. well, and my mom of course. but being back=heaven. i have found more of myself and who i want to become. but, how much more of myself do i want to discover on my own? it just sounds like so much more fun if someone is standing next to me, lending me support.

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