Follow a busy gals life, ideas, lessons, music.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

ete sen

ok all of you.

im here safe! we are staying in a hotel actually. and when i mean hotel, i mean there was a HUGE cockroach and spider welcoming us into our room. yuuuuck.

yeah so our flights were interesting.slc to jfk was smooth. . . except my bags were too heavy and it cost $150 to let them fly, so i left out some jelly, and carried my pillow. whatever. but jfk to accra (uh- KRAW`) we got on. . .flew. . . sat. . .flew about 500 miles, 1.5 hours then turned around. fun i know. apparently something was wrong with the engine but they left that out till we were landed and greeted by ohh, 50 firetrucks, cops, airport security, etc etc. lights flashing and all. but we got here sunday afternoon. got through customs and to our new home in mampong. papa ellis runs the hotel. he is sooo funny and thinks that we are all going to marry him so he can have his 8 american wives. excited for me? i guess i can say i'm engaged. . . to some old man. anyways. that is a tip here. tell everyone your are either married or engaged, then no questions asked, they leave you alone. well, at least stop asking for money.

so after not sleeping last night, it's finally catching up with me. i'm tired and i don't know when i'm hungry. but i'm thirsty ALLLLLL the time. it's soooo hot and humid. my hair never dries. so i may be getting braided this weekend after all. we will see.

we haven't met the students yet. we just got permission to enter the schools about an hour ago today. so that means we go tomorrow, meet the headmistress, the faculty, then to be attacked by children! i'm so excited for that. sitting around playing cards gives me too much time to miss home. . . and well. you all. . . *cough cough* but MOM. the cookies in my bag were a real tear jerker. and brandt. ahh that first song. . . grrrrrrr. but last night, during some free time, a few of us started to memorize the articles of faith in asl. fun experience. i hope i can share a few when i get back in primary. awww. primary. OH OH! how was aubrey's baptism??? hope is was fabulous. i'm sure she did great on the piano too. such a cutie. i can't wait to meet the students though cause i'm missing my own. i just love teaching! so this will be different. from being soothed by teaching music lessons to teaching in silence. this will be weird for me.

but in the few days i've been here, my sign is already sooo much better. thanks mel for all the support. i do feel confident in my skill. but now. communication is getting easier. i'm excited to see where i will be even next week with a few days with the children.

well. i hope home is wonderful. this is going to be a long 2 months.

oh i forgot the best part. we have power and running water... well HAD. the power went out at the hotel on monday morning. and the water shut off this morning. but i never knew how much i would appreciate a cold shower and a skirt. *sigh* wonderful. hopefully they will start working again, before i smell TOO much worse.

well i love and miss you all already.

talk to you soon!


1 comment:

Carrie said...

how fun and......crazy. hope to hear more.