Follow a busy gals life, ideas, lessons, music.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Happy Citizen Day

So this last week of school was interesting. We had class monday/tuesday. then w/th/f. . . well. weren't school. wednesday and thursday were spent cleaning, organizing, decorating, and getting things prepared for the special occasion friday would bring. It was citizen day, and marking the one year anniversary of L'oreal sponsoring the Vocational Hair School. One girl, Dita, actually graduated so there was a ceremony, dancing, speeches, food and gifts to celebrate! So fun to see the success of some of the students there. and dita- she looked gorgeous!

Saturday- we headed to Accra. A bunch of us were able to attend the Accra, Ghana Temple and spend the morning there. It was so fun! Then we headed back to the mall, where Wallace met up with us to have lunch and shop around before the BIG GAME! Becky and I were on the trotro headed home from the art center when the US national anthem came on. OH me. I slap my hand over my heart and sing for those <20 people in the car. Gutsy i know. But then, the Ghana song came on. some woman started slapping my chest. "eh? whattt?" she said, "you're in ghana. get your hand up there. you cheer for us." yes ma'am. haha. fun experience. some kid even let me share his headphones so i could listen to the first half in english. well, we know the outcome of that Ghana vs. America game. I got phone calls seeing if i was ok, if i needed tissues, got some victory texts, not to mention that Tutu, the town right next to us, ERUPTED! it was so loud! and for so long! yeah. well. it was a hard loss. but then again, not at all. my kids loved talking about it on monday after my science lesson.

Oh science. I felt successful. I started to ask why i brought the examples i did last monday and what forces they represented. They remembered! and were fingerspelling the forces without their books open! i was so proud. so i got to move on to surface tension. it is going to be a race to the finish to see if i can get through all of the scheme of work before i have to leave. Can you believe 18 days? and for me that's 8 class periods left (that is if they have school. . . ever). So i just hope that MWF, we have school. Tuesday/Thursday. . .well. Today was voting for prefects. and thursday is African Union Day. . .so no school. SO! we will see about friday.

well. all is well. i swear a new breed of mosquitoes is out and they LOVE me. and- they must bite through clothes. nothing is helping. their bites are my african mementos. . . and i can play connect the dots if i'm ever bored.


Diane said...

What a great week! Sounds like you are really making a difference

coltonjdavis said...

Try mouthwash to ward of mosquitoes. I know it sounds weird but it works.